Georgia’s economy runs on agriculture
Agribusiness is Georgia’s largest industry! The latest estimated economic impact of agribusiness to the state is 76.9 billion dollars in 2012, that’s $76,900,000,000.00. Over 375,000 people are employed in agribusiness related ventures. Georgia produces more blueberries, pecans, peanuts,and poultry than any other state in the country.
Over 200 cottage food processing applications have been approved since 2012. Growers are finding new markets and with opportunities in olives, pomegranates, wines, and cheeses. While growing and processing food into consumer products requires unique skills, different skill sets are needed to successfully market and run your business.
Our project management, process improvement, and information technology expertise can supplement your current resources and efforts to accomplish business planning, operations, and management of your enterprise to free up time for you to focus on growing your business.